The Regulated Classroom™ Professional Development

You and your staff will feel the difference with The Regulated Classroom!

The Regulated Classroom team going over the guidebook

Equip Your School, District, or Team with the Professional Development They’ve Been Craving

Get ready for the best professional development experience of your life! No, really! Many attendees have shared that our professional development is the best they’ve ever attended. And that’s not just because the professional development itself is FUN. It’s also that participants turn around and immediately implement these revolutionary tools of co-regulation in their classrooms.

“I have been using almost all of the different things that we learned in your professional development in my classroom. I really have to say, it is making a huge difference. In fact, now the kids are actually asking for it…I am feeling so much calmer because I can see a difference in them.”

Marni, Kindergarten teacher

Learn Why the Maine and New Hampshire Departments of Education Implemented The Regulated Classroom Statewide

We know that post-pandemic educators are still reeling, trying to get students back on track. And we know that more than ever, students are coming into class with insufficient developmental experiences and ACES (Adverse Childhood Experiences), leading to high levels of dysregulation.  For these reasons, the Maine and New Hampshire Departments of Education sponsored statewide programs to equip their educators with an effective framework for increasing regulation in the classroom.  

What if co-regulating with your students resulted in a more peaceful, effective, and FUN classroom?

With The Regulated Classroom professional development, you’ll:

  • Get live or virtual training with the author and creator of The Regulated Classroom, Emily Read Daniels, M.Ed., MBA, NCC, SEP™. 

  • Gain a greater understanding of Polyvagal Theory, the autonomic nervous system, how trauma affects behavior, and how to shift dysregulation with 4 Core Practices.

  • Learn how to implement these micro-moments (one-three minute experiences) to shift the classroom from dysregulation to regulation.

  • Have a plan to take care of yourself and reinvigorate the joy you once experienced in the classroom.

  • Gain a shared language and set of tools for your whole staff to help students have a more resilient nervous system (and build more resiliency yourself).

  • In most cases, you’ll leave with a Guidebook in hand for easy reference and implementation.

We have a variety of professional development options available based on the needs of your school. Please check out the available options and contact us to inquire about scheduling professional development at your school or district!

“It should have come as no surprise to me that your facilitation style matches in brilliance your actual model. Your embodied understanding of Polyvagal and its application in schools is truly unparalleled in my experience. And I've met a lot of people working to apply the model in educational settings!”

Chrissy DAgostino, Independent Educational Consultant

Professional Development Offerings

Emily Read Daniels presenting The Regulated Classroom guidebook to an audience

Standard Training in The Regulated Classroom

  • $119 per person (50 person min.) with Guidebook

    $229 per person (25 person min.) with Mini Educator Self-Care Toolkit

    $599 per person (15 person min.) with Classroom Co-Regulation Toolkit

  • This six-hour/one-day in-person professional development opportunity provides educators with the knowledge and experience to implement The Regulated Classroom framework.

    Fundamental knowledge combined with the 4 Core Practices and sensory tools build adult capacity to deliver trauma-informed instruction by cultivating felt safety and co-regulation in the classroom

    This training is for unlimited participants and can be scheduled as a one-day in-person or live virtual training.

    • Recognizing the impact of the pandemic on staff and students

    • Somatosensory functioning and integration

    • The Polyvagal Theory

    • 4 Core Practices & 2 Essential Educator Capacities of The Regulated Classroom

    • Widening the “Window of Tolerance” with Activators and Settlers

    • Recruiting the “Realm of Social Engagement” with Connectors and Affirmations

Emma Adams reading The Regulated Classroom guidebook

Live or Virtual Book Study in The Regulated Classroom

  • $4000 virtually (25 guidebooks included)

    $5,500 in-person* (25 guidebooks included)

    *in-person training is possible within 100 miles of Hancock, New Hampshire. If distance is greater, additional travel costs apply.

  • This virtual book study provides an understanding of the basic principles of The Regulated Classroom™ through a guided review and discussion of The Regulated Classroom™ Guidebook with author, Emily Read Daniels. The book study is the ideal way to help a school build capacity for applying The Framework when they don’t have time or budget for our typical full-day training.

    This book study is suitable for groups of up to 25 participants. It is a three-hour session that can be divided into two or three sessions as needed.

    • Developing awareness in self and in students and shifting from dysregulation to co-regulation

    • A practical understanding of the Polyvagal Theory — the science of felt safety

    • Experiencing the 4 Core Practices & 2 Essential Educator Capacities of The Regulated Classroom

Emily Read Daniels and her team discussing the guidebook

Live Virtual or In-Person Train the Trainer Certificate Course: 

  • $999 per person (10 person min.) with mini educator self-care toolkit

    $1299 per person (10 person min.) with classroom co-regulation toolkit

  • Professional Development and Implementation Coaching in The Regulated Classroom

    Our “Train the Trainer'' option builds internal capacity to integrate The Regulated Classroom throughout your school or district. Educators gain knowledge and develop capacities to teach fellow colleagues about seamlessly integrating the practices and tools of The Regulated Classroom in order to repair educator burnout and inspire joyful student learning.

    This training includes 12 hours of professional development and 2 hours of professional coaching and can be done in-person or as a live virtual training. Please contact us for more details and availability.

    • Recognizing individual & collective trauma in staff and students

    • Processing certain and ambiguous grief/loss of pandemic

    • Somatosensory functioning and integration

    • Recognizing the impact of the pandemic on staff and students

    • The Polyvagal Theory

    • 4 Core Practices and 2 Essential Educator Capacities of The Regulated Classroom

    • Widening the educator’s “window of tolerance” with Activators and Settlers

    • Recruiting the “realm of social engagement” with Connectors and Affirmations

    • How to use sensory tools for educator and student benefit

    • Tier 2 and Tier 3 interventions that align with The Regulated Classroom

Send an educator from your school to our next virtual training. This will empower them to bring The Regulated Classroom framework to your school.

Emil Read Daniels giving a professional development training

Keynote Address or Custom PD Sessions

  • $2500 for 75 minutes keynote*

    $1,500 per hour for 1+ hours of custom PD*

    $1,200 per hour for 3+ hours of custom PD*

    *Additional costs may apply for in-person travel greater than 100 miles from Hancock, NH

  • Bring Emily to school, district, or conference, virtually or in person.

  • Understanding the Essential Priority in Addressing Student Behavior Post-COVID

    • In this session, audience members will gain a new lens, the Polyvagal Theory, to interpret the current state of education. Not only will participants be able to view the current crisis differently, they will begin to understand what can be done to effectively address the current moment.

    Sustaining in Education with More Energy, Fun, and Hope in the Classroom

    • The physiological state regulation is the single most important variable in energizing and renewing your experience in the classroom. Bonus—a regulated state is contagious to those around you! In this highly interactive session, participants will experience the 4 Core Practices of The Regulated Classroom™ and leave with tools they can implement right away.

    Cultivating Conditions for Connection & Regulation in Schools

    • In this conference session, participants learn and experience the concept of felt safety—a regulated state in the body. They gain an embodied understanding of how this ventral vagal state supports sequential brain development and prosocial behaviors in the classroom for both adults and students.